Saturday 22 April 2023

10 Best Cartoon Characters In Tokyo

 10 Best Cartoon Characters  In Tokyo

Tokyo, the capital city of Japan well known for its versatile cartoon shows and Characters. Mainly this are meant for the kid’s entrainment purpose. Not even in India but world widely this Japanese cartoon character have its own popularity and grace.

If you have a bottom hearted feeling for the cartoon, then without any thought you will love to scroll our list of BEST10 CARTOON CHARCHTER in TOKYO.

Whether its Pikachu, Doremon and many more to explore it while some are more famous tha other.

Without any further ado’s let’s explore the BEST 10 cartoon character for all-time favourite.

1   DOREMON: - One of the most beloved and popular cartoon character of all time. Doraemon, a robotic cat, travels back in time from the 22nd century to aid a schoolboy named Nobita and teach him important lessons about integrity, courage, family values and respect for elders.

Doraemon is known for his 4th-dimensional pocket that contains many interesting and fanciful things to help Nobita in his time of need.

This Japanese manga and anime movie/series can be quite inspirational and emotional, teaching viewers the power of friendship. 



The most adapted animated television show of Japanese manga series. This show had not even gain popularity among children but in adult too. The story revolves around the 5-year character boy named Shinnosuke “Shin” Nohara and his relationship with his family members, friends, neighbours and his dog. 

Crayon Shin-Chan, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoshito Usui.

This funniest character usually gain its love by his way of speaking , inappropriate use of languages.

oth young and kid love to watch this show



This beloved Japanese children’s cartoon is so popular that it has inspired many works such as the song “Anpanman” by BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan), a seven-member Kopp boy band, the famous anime series One-Punch Man, a handful of museums dedicated to the titular character across Japan and many merchandises.

 “Anpanman” is a fun, upbeat song that was inspired by the cartoon character and red bean bread hero of the same name. 

The story revolves around Anpanman, a superhero who has anpan (a red bean paste filled pastry) for a head. Whenever his head gets damaged, Uncle Jam, whom he lives with and owns a bakery, always replaces it for him.



Pikachu is the iconic mascot of the Pokémon franchise, serving as the main animal protagonist and the deuteragonist of the Pokémon anime series, and one of the eight protagonists of the Subspace Emissary.Who doesn’t love this adorable little pokemon? He is so famous that Warner Bros. Pictures released the first-ever live-action Pokémon film, called Pokémon Detective Pikachu in 2019, starring Ryan Reynolds as the voice of the titular character. Pikachū has fans all over the world belonging to various age groups.

There you have it, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! We hope our Japanese cartoon list helps you in choosing the best and most entertaining television series to enjoy!



The character is a kind-hearted, happy-go-lucky girl who is certainly the cutest kawaii character. You’ll find merchandise available throughout the world.

Hello Kitty, also known by her real name Kitty White, is a fictional character created by Yuko Shimizu, currently designed by Yuko Yamaguchi, and owned by the Japanese company Sanrio. Sanrio depicts Hello Kitty as an anthropomorphized white cat with a red bow and no visible mouth.

 Hello Kitty's iconic design and message of friendship and finding joy in a “small gift, big smile.” Make her too popular among female.


6. NARUTO : -

Naruto has become one of anime fans’ favourite anime characters worldwide. His story continues to inspire his fans to never give up. His resilience and determination have managed to capture the hearts and souls of people of all ages across the globe. 

Naruto is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. It tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who seeks recognition from his peers and dreams of becoming the Hokage, the leader of his village. 



As far as popular Japanese cartoon characters go, Rilakkuma is relatively new. This fictional character was launched in 2003 after being created by Aki Kondo for the company San-After the character was launched, there was lots of merchandise produced.

Rilakkuma is featured in comics, picture books, and even a stop-motion animation series called Rilakkuma and Kaoru.


Mario is a character created by Japanese video game designer Shigeru Miyamoto.

We just had to start with Mario – who doesn’t love this iconic Japanese character? Even those who’ve never played the game will still recognize this world-famous cartoon character. The great thing is, he’s still going strong!

Though Mario is actually an Italian plumber, his moustache makes him look somewhat Mexican. However, he was created by Shigeru Miyamoto, a game designer from Japan.

Whenever you visit Japan and go to Tokyo, ensure you try out the MariCar tour – in this tour, you put on a costume of a Mario character and drive your Street Kart around Tokyo’s streets!

9. GeGeGe no Kitarō

 It is originally known as Hakaba Kitarō, is a Japanese manga series created in 1960 by Shigeru Mizuki. It is best known for its popularization of the folklore creatures known as yōkai, a class of spirit-monster which all of the main characters belong to.

Is GeGeGe no Kitarō a kids show?

Gegege no Kitaro is a staple in children's anime despite its sometimes scary situations and subjects

10. Sazae-san

This character is a 24-year-old from Fukuoka.She marries Masuo, another character in the manga and anime. In the manga, she is 27 years old.The manga series was written and illustrated by Machiko Hasegawa and first appeared in 1946.

The topics dealt with contemporary situations and everyday life in Tokyo. The series ended in 1974 when its creator retired.There was a TV adaptation anime that aired for the first time in 1969.This series is the longest-running animated TV series according to the Guinness World Records.

This character has been adapted to songs, theatrical plays, and even a radio show.

👍Babita Chouhan Venture

東京で最高の漫画のキャラクター 10 人

東京は、多彩なアニメやキャラクターで有名な日本の首都です。 主に、これは子供の引き込みを目的としています。 インドでさえ、世界的に広く、この日本の漫画のキャラクターは、独自の人気と優雅さを持っています.




1 ドレモン: - これまでで最も愛され、人気のある漫画のキャラクターの 1 つです。 ロボット猫のドラえもんが 22 世紀から時間をさかのぼり、のび太という名の男子生徒を助け、誠実さ、勇気、家族の価値観、年長者への敬意について重要な教訓を彼に教えます。

ドラえもんは、必要なときにのび太を助けるために多くの興味深い空想的なものを含む彼の 4 次元のポケットで知られています。


エピソードの総数: - 1160 (SHOW)

2 ちんちゃん: -

日本の漫画シリーズの中で最も採用されたテレビアニメ。 このショーは、子供たちの間でさえ人気を博していませんでしたが、大人にも人気がありました. 物語は、野原しんのすけ「シン」という名前の5歳のキャラクターボーイと、彼の家族、友人、隣人、そして彼の犬との関係を中心に展開しています。




エピソードの総数: - 1000(SHOW)


この最愛の日本の子供向け漫画は非常に人気があり、BTS (防弾少年団) の曲「アンパンマン」、7 人組のコップのボーイ バンド、有名なアニメ シリーズのワンパンマンなど、多くの作品に影響を与えてきました。 日本全国の人気キャラクターやグッズ多数。


物語は、頭にあんぱんを持ったスーパーヒーロー、アンパンマンを中心に展開します。 彼の頭が傷つくと、彼と同居し、パン屋を経営しているジャムおじさんがいつも彼の代わりにそれを取り替えます.

エピソードの総数: - 1491(SHOW)


ピカチュウは、ポケモン フランチャイズの象徴的なマスコットであり、ポケモン アニメ シリーズの主要な動物の主人公であり、亜空間の使者の 8 人の主人公の 1 人です。この愛らしい小さなポケモンを愛していないのは誰ですか? 彼は非常に有名であるため、ワーナー ブラザーズ ピクチャーズは 2019 年に史上初の実写ポケモン映画をリリースしました。この映画は、ライアン レイノルズが主役の声として主演しています。 ピカチュウには、さまざまな年齢層に属する世界中のファンがいます。

紳士淑女の皆さん、男の子も女の子も! 私たちの日本の漫画のリストが、あなたが楽しむのに最適で最も面白いテレビシリーズを選ぶのに役立つことを願っています.

エピソードの総数: - 1232 (ショー)

5. ハローキティ

キャラクターは心優しく、のんきな女の子で、間違いなく最もかわいい kawaii キャラクターです。 世界中で入手可能な商品を見つけることができます。

本名のキティ ホワイトとしても知られるハロー キティは、清水裕子が作成し、現在は山口裕子がデザインし、日本の会社サンリオが所有する架空のキャラクターです。 サンリオは、ハローキティを擬人化された白い猫として描いており、赤い弓があり、口が見えません。

  ハローキティのアイコニックなデザインと友情のメッセージと「ささやかな贈り物、大きな笑顔」に喜びを見出します。 彼女を女性の間であまりにも人気にします。

エピソードの総数 : - 5 のみ

6.ナルト: -

NARUTO - ナルト - は、世界中のアニメファンのお気に入りのアニメキャラクターの1つになりました. 彼のストーリーは、彼のファンを決してあきらめないように刺激し続けています。 彼の回復力と決意は、世界中のあらゆる年齢層の人々の心と魂を捉えてきました。

NARUTO - ナルト - は、岸本斉史による日本の漫画シリーズです。 それは、若い忍者であるうずまきナルトの物語であり、仲間からの認識を求め、村のリーダーである火影になることを夢見ています.

  総エピソード数 : - 220

7. リラックマ

日本の人気漫画のキャラクターに関する限り、リラックマは比較的新しい。 この架空のキャラクターは、2003 年に近藤亜希が会社サンのために作成した後、発売されました。

リラックマは、コミック、絵本、さらにはリラックマとカオルと呼ばれるストップモーション アニメ シリーズにも登場します。

8. マリオ


マリオから始めなければなりませんでした。この象徴的な日本のキャラクターを愛していない人はいますか? ゲームをプレイしたことがない人でも、この世界的に有名な

#doremon#cartoon  #kids #love #sazae san #best in 10 #popularity #pikashu

#japan #tokyo  1.What are the 10 best cartoon character in Tokyo Japan,,

2.Cartoon character top 10 list,   .Who among the best in all the cartoon character?

4.Best10 cartoon in Tokyo City of Japan?

5.Name the cartoon character of Japan?

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