Showing posts with label Japan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Japan. Show all posts

Friday 23 June 2023

10 Best Fin-Tech Startups in Osaka, Japan

 10 Best Fin-Tech Startups in Osaka, Japan 


Osaka, Japan, known for its vibrant economy and technological advancements, is home to several innovative fintech startups. These companies are revolutionizing the financial industry by leveraging cutting-edge technologies to provide efficient and user-friendly financial services. In this article, we will explore the top 10 fintech startups in Osaka, highlighting their unique offerings and contributions to the financial sector.


MoneyTap is a mobile app that allows users to access instant personal loans with flexible repayment options. It utilizes blockchain technology to securely process transactions and offers quick approvals, eliminating the need for lengthy paperwork.


Origami provides a simplified and secure mobile payment platform for businesses. By integrating with existing point-of-sale systems, Origami enables seamless transactions and offers loyalty programs, enhancing the customer experience.


Crowdcredit is a peer-to-peer lending platform that connects borrowers with individual investors. By leveraging big data and AI algorithms, Crowdcredit assesses creditworthiness and provides competitive interest rates, making lending accessible to a wider audience.


Kyash is a digital banking platform that offers mobile banking services with features like instant money transfers, virtual debit cards, and expense tracking. It aims to simplify personal finance management for users and reduce dependency on traditional banks.


WealthNavi is a robo-advisory platform that provides personalized investment advice and portfolio management services. Using AI algorithms, it offers low-cost, diversified investment options, making wealth management more accessible and affordable.


AnyPay is a payment gateway that enables businesses to accept various digital currencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum. It provides secure and efficient payment solutions for merchants, fostering the adoption of cryptocurrencies in the mainstream economy.

7.Xenodata Lab:

Xenodata Lab specializes in data analytics and provides financial institutions with AI-powered solutions for risk management, fraud detection, and customer segmentation. Its advanced algorithms help optimize decision-making processes and improve operational efficiency.


Coincheck is a cryptocurrency exchange and wallet provider that allows users to buy, sell, and store various digital assets. With a user-friendly interface and robust security measures, Coincheck is one of the leading platforms for cryptocurrency trading in Japan.


Wantedly is a professional networking platform that connects job seekers with companies. It focuses on promoting a company's culture and values, facilitating meaningful connections between talent and employers in the finance and technology sectors.


WealthPark offers a comprehensive property management platform that streamlines real estate investment and asset management processes. Its features include portfolio tracking, tenant management, and data analysis, empowering property owners and investors.

The fintech ecosystem in Osaka, Japan, is thriving with innovative startups that are reshaping the financial landscape. These 10 companies, including MoneyTap, Origami, Crowdcredit, Kyash, WealthNavi, AnyPay, Xenodata Lab, Coincheck, Wantedly, and WealthPark, are leveraging technology to bring convenience, transparency, and accessibility to financial services.

From mobile lending and payment solutions to digital banking and investment platforms, these startups are driving financial inclusion, empowering individuals and businesses alike. With their innovative approaches and commitment to excellence, these fintech startups are poised to make a significant impact on the financial industry in Osaka and beyond. As they continue to grow and innovate, they contribute to the city's reputation as a hub for technological advancements and entrepreneurial spirit in Japan.



活気ある経済とテクノロジーの進歩で知られる日本の大阪には、革新的なフィンテックスタートアップ企業がいくつかあります。 これらの企業は、最先端のテクノロジーを活用して効率的でユーザーフレンドリーな金融サービスを提供することで金融業界に革命を起こしています。 この記事では、大阪のフィンテックスタートアップトップ10を探り、そのユニークなサービスと金融セクターへの貢献に焦点を当てます。


MoneyTap は、ユーザーが柔軟な返済オプションを備えた即時個人ローンにアクセスできるようにするモバイル アプリです。 ブロックチェーン技術を利用してトランザクションを安全に処理し、迅速な承認を提供するため、時間のかかる事務手続きの必要がなくなります。


Origami は、企業向けにシンプルかつ安全なモバイル決済プラットフォームを提供します。 Origami は既存の POS システムと統合することで、シームレスな取引を可能にし、ロイヤルティ プログラムを提供し、顧客エクスペリエンスを向上させます。


クラウドクレジットは、借り手と個人投資家を結び付けるピアツーピア融資プラットフォームです。 クラウドクレジットは、ビッグデータと AI アルゴリズムを活用することで信用力を評価し、競争力のある金利を提供することで、より幅広い層が融資を受けられるようにしています。


Kyash は、即時送金、仮想デビットカード、経費追跡などの機能を備えたモバイル バンキング サービスを提供するデジタル バンキング プラットフォームです。 ユーザーの個人財務管理を簡素化し、従来の銀行への依存を軽減することを目的としています。


WealthNavi は、パーソナライズされた投資アドバイスとポートフォリオ管理サービスを提供するロボアドバイザー プラットフォームです。 AI アルゴリズムを使用して、低コストで多様な投資オプションを提供し、資産管理をよりアクセスしやすく、手頃な価格にします。


AnyPay は、企業がビットコインやイーサリアムを含むさまざまなデジタル通貨を受け入れることを可能にする支払いゲートウェイです。 安全で効率的な支払いソリューションを販売者に提供し、主流経済における暗号通貨の採用を促進します。


Xenodata Lab はデータ分析を専門とし、リスク管理、不正行為検出、顧客セグメンテーションのための AI を活用したソリューションを金融機関に提供しています。 その高度なアルゴリズムは、意思決定プロセスを最適化し、業務効率を向上させるのに役立ちます。


Coincheck は、ユーザーがさまざまなデジタル資産を購入、販売、保管できるようにする暗号通貨交換およびウォレットのプロバイダーです。 ユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェースと堅牢なセキュリティ対策を備えた Coincheck は、日本における仮想通貨取引の主要プラットフォームの 1 つです。


Wantedly は、求職者と企業をつなぐプロフェッショナル ネットワーキング プラットフォームです。 企業の文化と価値観を促進し、金融およびテクノロジー分野の人材と雇用主との間の有意義なつながりを促進することに重点を置いています。


WealthPark は、不動産投資と資産管理プロセスを合理化する包括的な不動産管理プラットフォームを提供します。 その機能には、ポートフォリオ追跡、テナント管理、データ分析が含まれており、不動産所有者と投資家に力を与えます。

日本の大阪のフィンテックエコシステムは、金融情勢を再構築する革新的なスタートアップによって繁栄しています。 MoneyTap、Origami、Crowdcredit、Kyash、WealthNavi、AnyPay、Xenodata Lab、Coincheck、Wantedly、WealthPark を含むこれら 10 社は、テクノロジーを活用して金融サービスに利便性、透明性、アクセシビリティをもたらしています。

モバイル融資や決済ソリューションからデジタルバンキングや投資プラットフォームに至るまで、これらの新興企業は金融包摂を推進し、個人と企業の両方に力を与えています。 これらのフィンテック スタートアップ企業は、革新的なアプローチと卓越性への取り組みにより、大阪およびその他の金融業界に大きな影響を与える準備ができています。 成長と革新を続けることで、日本の技術進歩と起業家精神の中心地としての都市の評判に貢献しています。

Aparna Thakur

(Fin-Tech manager)







Email: info@10bestincity

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@NETSTARS@Money Tap@Kyash@Money Design @ABEJA @ CAMPFIRE @AnyPay@Xendodata Lab@Coincheck @Layer X@Funds@Tranako@Wealthpark@crowdcredit

@Shekhar Gupta@10 Bestincity@Aparna  Thakur

Friday 19 May 2023

10 Beat Renowned Journalism Outlet of Tokyo, Japan

10 Beat Renowned Journalism Outlet of Tokyo,  Japan

Tokyo, the bustling capital of Japan, is home to a vibrant media landscape with numerous journalism outlets that serve as key sources of news and information. These outlets play a crucial role in shaping public opinion, investigating important stories, and providing accurate and timely news coverage. In this article, we will explore the ten best renowned journalism outlets in Tokyo, Japan, highlighting their contributions to the media industry and their impact on society.

Journalism outlets are essential pillars of any democratic society. They serve as watchdogs, holding those in power accountable, and providing the public with vital information. In Tokyo, these outlets fulfill a vital role in reporting on national and international affairs, politics, business, culture, and more. Their journalistic integrity and dedication to truth play a pivotal role in shaping public discourse and facilitating an informed citizenry.

The following list of the ten best renowned journalism outlets in Tokyo, Japan is based on various factors, including reputation, circulation, influence, quality of reporting, and reader engagement. Each outlet has made significant contributions to journalism and has established itself as a trusted source of news.

1.The Mainichi: Founded in 1872, The Mainichi is one of Japan's oldest newspapers. It is highly respected for its objective and thorough reporting. The Mainichi covers a wide range of topics, including politics, business, sports, entertainment, and social issues. It has a rich history of investigative journalism and is known for its commitment to delivering reliable and accurate news.

2.Asahi Shimbun: Asahi Shimbun is a prominent daily newspaper with a large readership in Japan. It is renowned for its comprehensive coverage of national and international news. The newspaper is recognized for its in-depth analysis, investigative reporting, and insightful articles. Asahi Shimbun has consistently maintained high journalistic standards and has received numerous awards for its exceptional reporting.

3.Yomiuri Shimbun: Yomiuri Shimbun holds the distinction of being Japan's largest newspaper in terms of circulation. It offers extensive coverage of both domestic and international news, catering to a diverse readership. Yomiuri Shimbun is known for its in-depth reporting, feature articles, and special reports on various subjects. Its wide readership base speaks to its influence and popularity.

4.Nikkei: Nikkei is a leading business newspaper in Japan that focuses on financial and economic news. It provides insightful analysis, market updates, and reports on industry trends. With a reputation for accuracy and timely reporting, Nikkei has become an authoritative source for business-related news in Japan. It serves as a valuable resource for professionals, investors, and individuals interested in financial matters.

5.Tokyo Shimbun: Tokyo Shimbun is a major daily newspaper based in Tokyo. It covers a wide range of topics, including politics, culture, and local news. The newspaper is recognized for its investigative journalism and its commitment to raising awareness about important social issues. Tokyo Shimbun plays a significant role in providing accurate and relevant news to its readers in the capital city.

6.Chunichi Shimbun: Chunichi Shimbun is a regional newspaper that primarily covers the Chubu region, which includes Nagoya and surrounding areas. It provides comprehensive coverage of local news, culture, and events. Chunichi Shimbun's emphasis on community reporting and its connection with its readers make it a trusted source of information for the region.

7.Sankei Shimbun: Sankei Shimbun is known for its conservative stance and its coverage of politics, international relations, and business. It offers diverse perspectives on current affairs and provides in-depth analysis of complex issues. Sankei Shimbun has a loyal readership and is respected for its unbiased reporting and informative articles.

8.Nihon Keizai Shimbun: Nihon Keizai Shimbun, also known as the Nikkei, is a leading financial newspaper that focuses on business and economic news. It provides comprehensive coverage of financial markets, corporate developments, and economic policies. Nihon Keizai Shimbun is highly regarded for its insightful reporting and analysis in the field of finance, making it a go-to source for individuals and professionals seeking reliable financial information.

9.Tokyo Broadcasting System: Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) is a major television network in Japan. It operates multiple TV and radio channels and covers a wide range of programming, including news, entertainment, and sports. TBS is known for its high-quality journalism and its commitment to delivering accurate and balanced news coverage. The network's news programs provide timely updates and in-depth reporting on various topics.

10.NHK: NHK is Japan's public broadcasting organization, providing television, radio, and online services. It offers comprehensive news coverage, documentaries, and cultural programming. NHK is highly regarded for its impartiality, accuracy, and commitment to public service. The organization plays a crucial role in delivering reliable news and information to the public, serving as a trusted source for many Japanese citizens.

Tokyo, Japan's vibrant capital, is home to some of the best renowned journalism outlets in the country. The Mainichi, Asahi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun, Nikkei, Tokyo Shimbun, Chunichi Shimbun, Sankei Shimbun, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Tokyo Broadcasting System, and NHK are among the top outlets that play a crucial role in providing reliable news coverage, investigative journalism, and insightful analysis. Their dedication to journalistic excellence ensures that the public receives accurate and timely information, empowering citizens to make informed decisions.

Each of these renowned journalism outlets in Tokyo, Japan, contributes to the media landscape in their unique ways, playing a significant role in informing the public, shaping opinions, and upholding journalistic integrity.

10 Tōkyō no yūmeina jānarizumuautoretto o bīto shimasu. Nihon no nigiyakana shutodearu Tōkyō ni wa, shuyōna nyūsu ya jōhō-gen to shite kinō suru tasū no jānarizumu baitai ga sonzai shi, kakki ni michita media kankyō ga totonotte imasu. Korera no hōdō kikan wa, yoron no keisei, jūyōna kiji no chōsa, seikaku katsu taimurīna nyūsu hōdō no teikyō ni oite jūyōna yakuwari o hatashite imasu. Kono kijide wa, Nihon no Tōkyō de mottomo yūmeina jānarizumu baitai 10-sha o chōsa shi, media gyōkai e no kōken to shakai e no eikyō ni shōten o atemasu. Jānarizumu no hōdō kikan wa, minshu shugi shakai ni totte fukaketsuna hashiradesu. Karera wa kanshi-yaku to shite kinō shi, kenryoku-sha ni sekinin o tsuikyū shi, jūyōna jōhō o kokumin ni teikyō shimasu.

 Tōkyōde wa, korera no hōdō kikan ga kokunaigai no jōsei, seiji, bijinesu, bunka nado no hōdō ni oite jūyōna yakuwari o hatashite imasu. Karera no jānarizumu no seijitsu-sa to shinjitsu e no kenshin wa, kōkyō no giron o keisei shi, jōhō o eta kokumin o sokushin suru ue de kiwamete jūyōna yakuwari o hatashite imasu. Ika no Tōkyō no yūmei jānarizumu baitai toppu 10 no risuto wa, hyōban, hakkō busū, eikyō-ryoku, hōdō no shitsu, dokusha no kan'yo nado no samazamana yōin ni motodzuite imasu. Kaku hōdō kikan wa jānarizumu ni tadaina kōken o shite ori, shinraidekiru nyūsu-gen to shite no chii o kakuritsu shite imasu.

 1. Mainichishinbun: 1872-Nen ni sōkan sa reta Mainichishinbun wa, Nihon de mottomo furui shinbun no 1-tsudesu. Kakkanteki katsu tettei shita hōdō de takai hyōka o ete imasu. Mainichi wa seiji, bijinesu, supōtsu, entame, shakaimondai nado habahiroi topikku o toriagete imasu. Chōsa hōdō no yutakana rekishi ga ari, shinraidekiru seikakuna nyūsu o haishin suru torikumi de shira rete imasu.

 2. Asahishinbun: Asahishinbun wa, Nihon de ōku no dokusha o kakaeru chomeina nikkan-shidesu. Kokunaigai no nyūsu o hōkatsu-teki ni kabā shite iru koto de shira rete imasu. Kono shinbun wa, sono shōsaina bunseki, chōsa hōdō, dōsatsuryoku ni tonda kiji de shira rete imasu. Asahishinbun wa ikkanshite takai jānarizumu suijun o iji shite ori, sono takuetsu shita hōdō ni yori shibashiba no shō o jushō shite imasu. 

3. Yomiurishinbun: Yomiurishinbun wa, hakkō busū ni oite Nihon saidai no shinbundearu to iu tokuchō o motte imasu. Kokunaigai no nyūsu o habahiroku kabā shi, tayōna dokusha ni kotaemasu. Yomiurishinbun wa, samazamana tēma ni kansuru tettei shita hōdō, tokushū kiji, tokubetsu repōto de shira rete imasu. Sono habahiroi dokusha-sō ga sono eikyō-ryoku to ninki o monogatatte imasu.

 4. Nikkei: Nikkei wa, kin'yū oyobi keizai nyūsu ni shōten o ateta Nihon o daihyō suru bijinesu shinbundesu. Dōsatsuryoku ni tonda bunseki, ichiba no saishin jōhō, gyōkai dōkō ni kansuru repōto o teikyō shimasu. Seikaku-sa to taimurīna hōdō de teihyōnoaru Nikkeishinbun wa, Nihon ni okeru bijinesu kanren nyūsu no shinraidekiru jōhō-gen to natte imasu. Kore wa, kin'yū mondai ni kanshin no aru senmonka, tōshi-ka, kojin ni totte kichōna risōsu to shite yakudachimasu. 

5. Tōkyō shinbun: Tōkyō shinbun wa Tōkyō ni honkyo o oku ōte nikkan-shidesu. Seiji, bunka, rōkarunyūsu nado habahiroi topikku o atsukaimasu. Kono shinbun wa, chōsa hōdō to jūyōna shakaimondai ni tsuite no ishiki o takameru torikumi de shira rete imasu. Tōkyō shinbun wa, shuto no dokusha ni seikakude kanren-sei no takai nyūsu o teikyō suru ue de jūyōna yakuwari o hatashite imasu.

 6. Chūnichishinbun: Chūnichishinbun wa, Nagoya oyobi sono shūhen chiiki o fukumu chūbu chihō o omo ni kabā suru chihōshidesu. Jimoto no nyūsu, bunka, ibento o hōkatsu-teki ni kabā shite imasu. Chūnichishinbun wa komyuniti hōdō to dokusha to no tsunagari o jūshi shite iru tame, chiiki ni totte shinraidekiru jōhō-gen to natte imasu. 

7. Sankeishinbun: Sankeishinbun wa hoshu-tekina shisei to seiji, kokusai kankei, bijinesu no hōdō de shira rete imasu. Jijimondai ni tsuite tayōna shiten o teikyō shi, fukuzatsuna mondai no shōsaina bunseki o teikyō shimasu. Sankeishinbun ni wa nesshin'na dokusha ga ori, sono kōheina hōdō to yūekina kiji de sonkei sa rete imasu.


8.Nihonkeizaishinbun: Nihonkeizaishinbun wa, Nikkei to shite mo shira re, bijinesu ya keizai nyūsu ni shōten o ateta ōte keizai shinbundesu. Kin'yū ichiba, kigyō dōkō, keizai seisaku nado o hōkatsu-teki ni kabā shite imasu. Nihonkeizaishinbun wa, kin'yū bun'ya ni okeru dōsatsuryoku ni tonda hōdō to bunseki de takaku hyōka sa rete ori, shinraidekiru zaimu jōhō o motomeru kojin ya senmonka ni totte tayorininaru jōhō-gen to natte imasu.

 9. Tōkyōhōsō: Tōkyōhōsō (TBS) wa, Nihon no shuyōna terebi nettowākudesu. Fukusū no terebitorajio no chan'neru o un'ei shi, nyūsu, entāteimento, supōtsu nado habahiroi bangumi o kabā shite imasu. TBS wa,-shitsu no takai jānarizumu to, seikakude baransu no toreta nyūsu hōdō o teikyō suru torikumi de shira rete imasu. Nettowāku no nyūsu puroguramu wa, taimurīna saishin jōhō to samazamana topikku ni kansuru shōsaina repōto o teikyō shimasu.

10. NHK: NHK wa Nihon no kōkyō hōsō kikandeari, terebi, rajio, onrain sābisu o teikyō shite imasu. Hōkatsu-tekina nyūsu hōdō, dokyumentarī, bunka bangumi o teikyō shite imasu. NHK wa, sono kōhei-sei, seikaku-sa, soshite kōkyō sābisu e no torikumi de takaku hyōka sa rete imasu. Kono soshiki wa, shinraidekiru nyūsu to jōhō o kokumin ni todokeru ue de jūyōna yakuwari o hatashite ori, ōku no nihonkokumin ni totte shinraidekiru jōhō-gen to shite kinō shite imasu.

Nihon no kakki ni michita shutodearu Tōkyō ni wa, kokunai de mottomo yūmeina jānarizumu baitai ga ikutsu ka arimasu. Mainichishinbun, Asahishinbun, Yomiurishinbun, Nihonkeizaishinbun, Tōkyō shinbun, Chūnichishinbun, Sankeishinbun, Nihonkeizaishinbun, Tōkyōhōsō, NHK wa, shinraidekiru hōdō, chōsa hōdō, chōsa hōdō o teikyō suru ue de jūyōna yakuwari o hatashite iru toppu mediadesu. Dōsatsuryoku ni tonda bunseki. Takuetsu shita jānarizumu e no kenshin-tekina torikumi ni yori, kokumin ga seikaku katsu taimurīna jōhō o kakujitsu ni uketori, jōhō ni motodzuita ishi kettei ga deki ru yō ni narimasu. Nihon no Tōkyō ni aru korera no yūmeina jānarizumu baitai wa sorezore, dokuji no hōhō de media kankyō ni kōken shi, kokumin ni jōhō o teikyō shi, iken o keisei shi, jānarizumu no seijitsu-sa o mamoru ue de jūyōna yakuwari o hatashite imasu.

What are the 10 Best renowned journalism Outlet of Tokyo Japan?

How do journalism outlets in Tokyo contribute to society?

Which journalism Outlet focuses on economic and financial news?

List the 10 best renowned journalism Outlet of Tokyo Japan?

Name the top journalism Outlet of Tokyo City of Japan?

Explain the journalism Outlet of Japan captain city ?

👍Babita chouhan ( PR Manager) Venture






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